To start, having been around long enough to have witnessed the last time there was divorce-like strife, its always difficult when you have family on both sides. Then again, here's to hoping that the idea of sets and singles guys can make a better community together than apart!
With that being said, let's move on with the primary business... chipping, in whatever form makes you happy.
I host a cash game and tournaments (occasionally) and prefer to collect and felt real obsolete casino sets. Ideally, I avoid any significant wear by rotating completed chip-sets throughout the year. The rarer the set, the less it gets played... but they all get felted.
Currently am working on two TRK sets, have been for a while, and starting to see the end-game. It will be a pretty great day when these get put into play, resurrecting thoughts of Casino's long gone.
P.S. If you have one of these available (Pick Hobson $.050, Overland $1, or Riverside NCV $.25) shoot me a PM. Much Appreciated.
With that being said, let's move on with the primary business... chipping, in whatever form makes you happy.
I host a cash game and tournaments (occasionally) and prefer to collect and felt real obsolete casino sets. Ideally, I avoid any significant wear by rotating completed chip-sets throughout the year. The rarer the set, the less it gets played... but they all get felted.
Currently am working on two TRK sets, have been for a while, and starting to see the end-game. It will be a pretty great day when these get put into play, resurrecting thoughts of Casino's long gone.
P.S. If you have one of these available (Pick Hobson $.050, Overland $1, or Riverside NCV $.25) shoot me a PM. Much Appreciated.